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Synthetic diesel fuels and additives
Renewable fuels derived from Biomass will continue to be more widely used as
petroleum based (fossil) fuels become increasingly scarse.

The current US economy cannot be supported without extensive importation of foreign
crude oil.

Even though petroleum deposits worldwide are being depleted at higher rates each
year, both developed and developing nations continue to increase their demand for
fossil fuels annually.
  • Terminal Fluids is dedicated to reducing US dependency on imported fossil
  • Our synthetic diesel fuel provides both an increase in performance and a
    reduction in exhaust emissions.
  • This fuel can be used readily in all diesel engines with absolutely no
  • Markets exist in the airline industry and military services as well.
Why current biodiesel is not the perfect solution
Biodiesel has inherent disadvantages.  These disadvantages prevent it from being
standardized as a diesel fuel in the US.  

Every one of these disadvantages is corrected with our synthetic diesel fuel while
maintaining all of its benefits.  All of this while utilizing the same biomass that is
produced into biodiesel.    
Fueling the Future
As the synthetic diesel fuel that we manufacture becomes more widely recognized in
the US it will initially become the standard petroleum diesel additive.  Once our
product is more widely available it is likely to make up a large portion of the volume
of low sulphur reformulated diesel fuel sold in the US as mandated by the 2006 low
sulfur diesel fuel requirements.
Benefits of a synthetic diesel
Government grants and tax incentives are readily available for companies that both
produce and use renewable fuels.  These benefits will increase as the need for
alternate fuel sources increases in the near future.
